Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pack pack pack - Moved.

After nearly 4 months staying in temp accommodation, we finally moved this weekend to our new home for the next two years. The few weeks leading up to the move were pretty mundane as we were stuck slowly packing each night after work. Thankfully there's wonderful Pow who helped with the kitchen items. Jin was his usual cool bo chap-self (hrrmph!) as he only decided to pack the night before the move. Seems to think that the night elves magically make the boxes up on their own while he sleeps :p

As the movers were too busy to help us move on a Saturday as planned (sign of the times where everyone's probably moving due to higher rents or being more affluent), we took Friday off to supervise the move. Not wanting to waste a whole day off just on moving, I arranged a quick 9 hole game at keppel. It was our 1st time playing at a real club and the service was impressive. You get to drop off your golf bags at the buggy station and the staff helps you unload and upload the bags onto the buggy. We teed off at the 1st hole instead of the intimidating 10th hole and happy to note that I got off at a pretty impressive start...the rest of the game need not be discussed :D. lost so many balls - the lake monster surely knows how to gobble up balls..good thing balls were cheap as they were bought in good ol Msia. Only managed 8 holes before we got rained out but overall it was a very fun morning with wonderful cool weather.

The second half of the day was exhausting as we moved 60 over's a pix of how much stuff we have!! gulp...we def need to simplify our lives..time to visit the salvation army. What made the day even more busy - we were also trying to rent out our other place so meeting agents, buying white goods. whew..was officially exhausted at day's end. I think Jin felt it too and decided that a good meal was well deserved.

We headed to the fabulous Greenwood Fish Market for yummy lobster bisque and escargots...the escargots were very uniquely presented in kueh pai tee style. A definite must try again appetizer!

Settling quite comfortably into our new's quiet and that's a major blessing seeing how sensitive I am to noise which in turns affects my sleep. The pool view outside is extremely relaxing and so far, am pretty happy with the new place. Have been going to bed late trying to unpack a bit each night and this morning, Jin woke up earlier and walked down the road to get us nice it was to wake up and have teh halia for breakfast :). Will take pix of our new home after the stuff in the 60 boxes have been unpacked and we make it swee swee! :p

Monday, July 16, 2007

Keat's 32nd bday and my 1st durian this year...

With work bearing me down and house matters keeping me up late at night, it's no wonder I was due for a much needed break..and where better to get a quick fix but make the quick balik kampung hop back to KL? :)..Using Keat's bday BBQ as the main excuse, we hit the road at 4am, exiting through the eeriely quiet and carless Woodland checkpoint and enjoying the sunrise on the drive home.
1st stop home was breakfast with Jin's parents at one of our usual neighbourhood haunts - Restoran Yong Len. This place serves the best prawn mee..the young lady I remembered from my youth is now much much older but her the quality of her wonderful prawn broth has remained amazingly consistent throughout the years. Then it was off to service Mitsu (good way to save money since prices are half that in Singapore)....furthermore, the trusty uncle at the Shell station who I have known since I was a teenager still remembers me so I knew Mitsu was in good hands :)

Can't believe Malaysian banks are now all closed on every saturday..when do they expect poor ol me to do her banking chores? :p..anyway, wanted to check out prices of golf clubs in KL so we headed to Mid Valley..walked for 2 hours and did not buy a single thing...part of our motto to simplify our life ;) more clothes!! (or shoes - Jin says :p)

Discovered a wonderful nail saloon, ProNails at Centrepoint..mani and pedi for RM65 is unbeatable value (by Singapore standards) ! Jin - the metrosexual wanna-be, did the whole package along with me - minus the polish. To see the contented look on his face as he got his foot massage made the $$ totally worth it :)

Realised that no way could I play golf after just having my nails done so had to sit and watch Jin try his best to impress me at the driving range instead.. happy to note that with my 1-2 good pointers (which I read from the magazine while waiting for my nails to dry), Jin managed to hit some pretty good shots :D

Was fun to see everyone again at Keat's bday bbq. Cutie pie Ethan greeted me with a (forced) hug and willing peck :). He really entertained us all with his boyish antics of running around acting out his superhero fantasy. Keat's kakak amazed us with her fantastic marination and Mich did a yummy salad and of course, there was the trademark bacon banana dish by SC. Highlight of the evening was definitely the durian cake..having not eaten durian since my trip to Pulau Ubin last year, you can imagine joy in satisfying all that pent up craving! Here's the handsome bday boy cutting his yummy durian cake and I love this pix of an over-enthusiastic Ethan hugging

Sunday - we hit the Bukit Utama course for a quicky game even though it was past 9 and wayyy too hot for any sane girl with any intention of keeping her skin spotless. But the lure of getting to drive the buggy was too strong so with plenty of sunscreen and my cute golf hat (a gift from Lin) - we happily waited in line to tee off. Lost 3 balls, 2 into the water, one into the jungle..but overall, I thought my game improved (jin would say otherwise - but all I can say is that the course was darn hard!!!). We only managed 7 holes and then it was a mad rush out of the course for lunch appt with grandparents. Oh, we met this real arrogant malay uncle on the course who was sarcy to me but embarassed himself fully when he stroked his iron shot right into the 45 degrees off course..hellooo...want to be sarcastic, at least have the quality..gave jin and me a good laugh all the way home..:)))

Afternoon was a trip to the hair saloon where jin got a hair cut and me, a hair wash..cant remember what happened during the whole thing as we both fell soundly asleep on the chair, waking only to wash the hair (what a great head massage!) hairdressers must have had a hard time trying to cut jin's hair with his head slumped over ;)

Sunday is when there a huge pasar malam outside the house so while looking for Jin's favourite banana cake, I saw this uncle selling loads of durian. With the craving for real durian not settled, I asked for the bitter kind and he had it..and I got to tell you, if one ever has to waste calories eating durian, it better be the bitter kind or nothing at all :)..very very HaPpY and did not mind my share of driving back 2.5 hours home..what a wonderful, if only the rest of this week stays as good...who am I kidding...back to lunches at my table :p

Saturday, July 7, 2007

We'll have these kind of dim sums anyday ;)

Really enjoyed the Dim Sum Dollies latest show which was loosely based on the history of Spore and how far she has come. Hossan was at his usual versatile best - he played Gandhi excellently. Bravo bravo's a very HaPpY Jin with his favourite dim sums babes ;)