Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ooo we miss phuket!

We took off to Phuket over Father's day weekend for some much needed time-out. Managed to convince Jin and our friends that we should pamper ourselves and splurge on our accommodation. Thankfully, I was heard and thus, we got to stay in the lovely Twin Palms's such a romantic resort..honeymooners and couples stroll hand in hand, ..we were definitely out of place with a baby and friends but who cared, we had a great relaxing time none the less.

Sophie wanted to taste the welcome drink..

"twin palms" chocs met us in the room :)

Bean getting into the "resort" look

Karen and Li mei all smiles for a yummy lunch

Cray fish - so fresh, soo good! (and cheap too!!)

Soft shell crab, fried kuey teow, crab meat balls, fried breaded garoupa..

Family pix in front of this great seafood place Jin found..*muacks*

Bean enjoying the view from top

Bean says : Let me go mummy, I am strong enough to face the waves on my own

Bean, mummy, sea and sunset

helpppp..someone get the water off me!!!

Happy bean snuggled up..kawaii :)

"twin palms" hot cocoa


The sand was super fine

chubby butt and thighs

No aunty michiko so jin takes over coaxing soph do to her potty time

Daddy helping to retrieve ball from under bed

Durian bean :D