Saturday, February 20, 2010

A roaring Chinese New Year

Had a blast celebrating CNY in Penang and KL. Bean charmed everyone with her sweet smiles and silent Gong Xi Gong Xi (hand actions only :)

With ye ye and ma ma

1st lo hei of the tiger year!

bean sharing mini oranges with her great grandma

love these old peranakan houses with tall doors

bonding with her ma ma

Penang was crazy hot and poor bean had to sit in the outside toilet..she was sweating buckets..needless to say, no poo poo came out :p

Managed to meet up with ex-hp-ians

The Ng clan - dad's side

bean cooling off at her po-po's car porch

The Ng clan - Mom's side

having fun with Po Po

Gong Hei Fatt Choy from bean and mummy