Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spore biennale @ Old Kallang Airport

We finally got our lazy bums out of the house to visit the annual biennale at the old Kallang Airport. it was our first time seeing spore's first civil airport - small was my 1st impression of it. we were early so had most of the exhibits to ourselves. we had a great time just exploring room after room of funny art and then we headed down to the activities area where we made a kite and bean got a cute easter bunny balloon sculptor.

I am not sure if bean knew she was staring at bunches of hair

BIG Bean

GIANT bean and one scared mummy ;)

Cute bunny with carrot

Happy Bean :)

Swimbabe @ 5.5 months

Today's sunny and hot weather meant that the pool would be warm enough to bring Hayley into the pool for her first dip. She was a natural - doing froggy kicks the minute I held her in the water.

kawaii :)

bean lurves her tweety bird float as it gives her freedom to swim on her own

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bean @33 months

Bean's latest antic is telling us that she is a naughty girl when she does not want to do what we want her to do. she will say :

Bean : I am a naughty girl! (gives us her haughtiest look, folds her arms and stamps her feet)
Me : naughty girls go stand in corner
Bean : I don't want to stand in corner..I am a good girl.
Me : "rolls eyes and giggles behind her back" :)

She loves :
puzzles, grape juice, fruits - grapes, bananas, strawberries, blueberries (i get all the sour ones), apples, broccoli, MUSHROOMS, pasta, yakult, chocolate milk, swimming, playgrounds, her pink scooter, BUNNY, mummy's milk, stickers, handiplast, licking jam off her bread, piggyback rides, iPad, feeding fishes, running errands with daddy, medicine, chocolate, grocery shopping, us reading to her , school and playing with her dolls.

She not so like :
water on her face (esp shampoo), washing her hands and feet when she gets home, putting away her toys, attention given to mei mei, mummy busy and working, THUNDER, creepy crawlies.

She can :
talk a lot, repeat her questions over and over again till she gets an answer, tell us 60% of the alphabets (mixes W for M), knows her numbers (mixes 6 and 9), spell her name, be incredibly sweet just to get things her way.

hanging out with poppy at jacob ballas - see how tall poppy is!

chillin with Hayley

mini bean turns 5 mths old!

i simple LURVE this little one - she greets us with smiles at her 2am feeds, at her 530am wayyy too early wake up sessions and every time we walk through the door. such a delight to come home and smell her goodness, ruffle her hair and shower kisses on her silky smooth baby skin.

see her hair after her bath :D

Hayley now has about 3 short naps during the day so by 7pm, she gets her milk and falls straight into her dreamland. we have given up waking her at midnight for her dreamfeed cos for some reason, she will still wake at 4am for milk. instead, we let her wake us up which is usually between 2 -4 am and jin (bless him) wakes up to feed her. most days she wakes up at 530am and starts coo-ing for us and since we tend to ignore her out of sleepiness, her coos turns to short shrieks and Marie (bless her too!) wakes up at 6am and tends to her.

she loves company and is usually quite contented playing by herself as long as someone is near her. she does enjoy sitting up more than lying down...guess she has some of my kepoh-ness ;)