Saturday, August 30, 2008

Henderson Waves walk

Saturday mornings are my favourite ...cos that's when we don't hv to work ! Today we decided to visit Henderson Waves since Lyn and family were visiting. Started the morning with breakfast at Curry Garden..I love the Tosai Masala..Here's Jin attacking his Puri.
Henderson waves is a beautiful walk..great views and very stroller's funny how we notice these things after becoming parents :). Sophie and nephew Ryan slept through the whole walk :p

and a shot of the three girls ;)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Chloe's 5th bday party

We attended Chloe's 5th bday party in Melaka last weekend. How time flies,..I still remember attending her 3rd bday party like it was not too long ago..anyway, the theme was a pyjama party so it was quite a funny sight to see all of us including Sophie in our pyjamas at the 4pm party. Chloe is such a beautiful girl and very photogenic :) . Here's a pix of Chloe with her painted butterfly face.

and Chloe with our little bean..:)

and the three of us with our PJs :D
and Sophie with Chloe's 3 Patrick soft toys (what happened to the Green Patrick Chloe? ;)

We managed to satisfy our chicky ball rice craving..had 7 plates of balls shared between the 4 adults.

It was nice to catch up with liv and family again..thanks Liv for hosting us and bearing with our little bean's grumpiness..she got sick on the car ride up ;)'s a parting shot of Jin playing DONKEY with Chloe and no prize guessing who became the Donkey :p

Cousin Ryan and Sophie

My little nephew seems to be fascinated by Sophie (or babies)..he will sit still and stare at her when she's crying as if trying to figure out why something this small can be so loud :p. When he is in a playful mood, he tries his best to get to her just to touch far, Sophie has gotten some of his foot on her face and he even stole one of her socks and promptly stuffed it in his mouth. Here are some pix of the two of them and a link to a hilarious video of Ryan in his "I want cousin Sophie"mode.

Ryan's such a sweet little one. He loves playing and gives you an easy smile when you entertain him..he was also a slight cranky this past week..and we found out it was bcos lynda ng has been feeding him less! Never mind, little does she know that his aunty cindy has been supplementing him with his "quiet down food" - Honey Stars :D. Here's my favourite "little" nephew with his favourite aunty ;)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

7 weeks old, 5.9 kgs

Argh! It's official..our little Sophie bean is no longer little. Took her to see the Pds yesterday and her weight says it all :P..anyway, I have decided that as long as she's healthy and not obese, I will take it easy on the "jian fei" program. Also, very hard to put her on jian fei program when she's on a growth spurt and wanting to eat every 2.5 hours instead of her usual 3 hours. I really felt that I was being milked dry!

Sophie's learning to play and smile more..when I blow at her ears, she winks an eye and turns away, kinda telling me : Mummy, stop that, it's ticklish :)

This morning, I got up bright and early, expressed milk for her and waited for her to wake..when she did, I fed her the bottle and then let her snuggle in with Jin. Then remembered that she turned 7 weeks today so got out the new white dress from Lisa (all the way from HK!) and dressed her up to take some cute shots :)

This pix is Sophie telling us : Don't mess with me, I like my milk :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Moon yuit box

We gave our office colleagues a Full Month box to thank them for all their gifts. For our friends, we invited them to a full month party. Jin made the invite card and I arranged for the boxes and party :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our baby turns 1 month

Last Saturday we celebrated Sophie turning a month old! We started the day with a few traditional rituals : cutting her nails, trimming her hair and letting her bath in a flower bath. Of the 3, she def enjoyed the bath the most! Can just imagine her saying : wow, this is kinda exotic :)

We held a small party for her and lots of uncles and aunties came to visit. Sophie was on her best behaviour throughout the 3 hours, letting everyone carry her with not even a whimper. After the party, it was time to say goodbye to her nanny and I think all of us felt sad..Sophie wailed like crazy after aunty left and I attributed it to missing the aunty and over stimulation from the party. That night, Jin and I had to carry her to sleep..boy, we had no more feeling in our arms after that.

Next day, we decided to take her out - our first time out shopping with her without the aunty! We went to Vivo and tried to have lunch..she got cranky midway through our Jap lunch so we had to do the tag team..I ate first, then Jin ate while I fed her the bottle to keep her from disturbing the other patrons with her loud wails! (btw, sophie totally hates the pacifier..darn!)

It's hard to believe this little one was in me just 30 over days ago..she's like a little person now and growing up soo fast..Jin and I always look at her when she's asleep and tell her not to grow up too fast..we like her at this stage..tiny, innocent and oh so cute. I got Jin to take mutiple shots of baby and me..I want to remember her at every stage as she grows soo fast!

That sunday evening, we took her for a long stroll..she slept all the way.. Here's Jin immitating the words of her romper which says : My Dad is stronger that your Dad ;)

Our little Sophie bean - can you stay a bean for a little longer? Don't grow up too fast ok? (Sophie and her bunny friend given by aunty Lynda in what Jin calls her "spider" pose - arms and legs spread open :)