Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cindy = 33

Today I turned 33...I took the morning off work and went with mom and baby bean to Botanical Gardens for brunch. Here's Soph reaching out for her bottle - she needs her brunch too :)

> My Bday brunch meal

> Mom loves her butter ;)

Jin bought me not 1 but 3 slices of cake from bakerzin..could it be sign of the times and he could not afford a full cake? heehee..the cakes were yummy nevertheless ;)

As a bday pressie, Jin brought all of us to bangkok for a quick weekend get-away. We stayed at oakwood residences at sukhumvit soi 24 - perfect location as it was near Emporium shopping centre, Phrong Phom BTS and of course our fav pork noodle stall at Soi 26. I was also treated to a Valrhona Choc high tea where I got high having an overdose of different varieties of cakes made from Valrhona choc.
>Here's little bean having at nap at the Oriental while mummy and daddy enjoyed their tea.

> mummy and bean bean at the Oriental grounds.

> Jin and a sleepy bean
> Yay, bean got her own seat on Air Asia :)

The celebration continues...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our star bean :)

Was out walking with our little bean and got approached by a talent scout..here's a sneak peek at Sophie's portfolio :D

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend news 15-16 Nov

Welcome to today's edition of the weekend news. Making the headlines this weekend is the wedding of serene loi and kelvyn. Fondly known as Ms Loi or Ah Loi by me, the bride was beautiful and radiant. The wedding couple were very sporting..they gamely played the 3 games we prepared for them - the egg, the drink and the cherry (cherries). Here is a pix of how happy the groom seemed to be when his wife had her hands on him ;)

The ladies and one Mitch at my table

mr and mrs cheng...or Ah Cheng as I will now call serene..hehe

In other headline news, I had my first bday celebration of 2008. Lin, RY and Mei organised dinner at Peach Garden and surprised me with a yummy choc mousse cake from Prive..I had one candle and made a wish on behalf of Jin ;)

We end with some updates on little Sophie bean..she experienced a few "firsts" this weekend..
Her first swim in the big adults pool by herself (she loves loves to swim!)

Her first time sitting on her yellow bumbo without a pillow to support her (this sitting up position does cause her to spill out a lot of milk though ;P)

Her first time facing forward in her baby bjorn :)

The week ahead will be a fun with with bean's Popo visiting to give her lots of hugs. Until the next edition of the weekend news, here is a picture of Bean being amused by Aunty Lin and Mei.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Threesome weekend

This weekend was really nice..Jin did not have to work and could spend some much needed time with both Sophie bean and me :). We started our Saturday with brunch at Vista Bistro..I am beginning to really like this place, both for the food and atmosphere - facing the sea and beach. Jin had pancakes and I had the portobello mushroom with poach eggs..delish! Sophie had her milk :)

Our Food

Sophie sitting on her stroller looking all "big girl" (she accidently scratched her face :(, thus the little scar)

Jin made her wear her hat eventhough there was no sun :P

After brunch, we took a walk and I grabbed the opportunity to take some pix of Jin and Sophie.

Halfway through our photo shoot, this uncle who was sitting quietly with his white pet poodle, decided to walk over and chit chat..the chat lasted a good 30-40 minutes..he was telling us his whole life story..which was very interesting..I think even if I combined jin and my life story, it would not have been half as interesting as the uncle's story :p

I managed to catch up on some sleep in the afternoon and in the evening, we hopped over to Charmaine's place for tea and to check out her home. It was nice to just relax in her kitchen eating bak chang, cheesecakes, donuts and sweet rolls for tea. Charmaine's doggy, Paddy was fascinated with Sophie and kept licking her toes..our little bean took it all in good stride and did not even blink an eyelid :)

Today, we took a walk at Orchard..don't know why, but on and off, I somehow miss Orchard so every few weeks, I will bug Jin to have an outing to Orchard :)..We spent some time in Borders and Marks and Spencers, followed by window shopping at Isetan. Then it was a dash to Prive for lunch with Gail and Jimmy.

I managed to catch up on more sleep in the afternoon and got up for some tennis with Lin and RY..I have not played tennis in more than 9 mths..my swing was definitely rusty but it felt good just to be on the courts again, sweating it out. We had dinner at this soba place at Paragon..I had their autumn seasonal special -cold noodles with mushrooms and sesame based sauce..yums!

The bean is now tucked into bed, Jin's watching some sci-fi movie in his projector room..all's quiet and peaceful..I feel happy and contented. Now, everyday should be like this...

Our little bean - week 18

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Studio shots

Sophie bean turns 4 months tomorrow..she's growing up too fast!! We took some studio shots 3 weeks ago to remind ourselves how small she once was :)

Our little one was not a happy camper at the day of the shoot as she was tired and cranky...we spent 80% of our time just trying to get her to stop crying...smile? hah..we did not even attempt trying to make her smile :P..I was exhausted at the end of the shoot but thankfully, our efforts paid of..I must say, we got some pretty decent pictures ..*yay*