Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The crying game

So the little bean has taken up a new's called crying. she fake cries when she does not get the toy she wants or when she's not happy we don't give in to her every demand. The cries are soo fake so we tend to ignore her..but then she comes to you, and says : mummy, sophie crying..


and i also realised recently what a daddy's girl she morning she demanded from jin : daddee I WANT Nai jin promptly brings her her milk..and she immediately coos : xie xie ni daddyyy (this is without any prompting from us!)

later that morning, she turned to me and said : Mummy, I want corn flakes. so i go get her some and she just answers : Ummp


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happenings at home

Feb was an extremely busy month. we hosted 2 cny gatherings, michiko fell sick and nephew michael came over everyday since mom Pat had make an emergency trip back to US to help her mom.

we held 2 parties the day before CNY ended. The ladies and their handsome halfs joined us for yee sang and a catered meal from Golden Pillow 933. It was the 1st time seeing Mad since she got preggy and she was looking good with her 4 month preggy belly.

That same night, we had a feast with a home cooked meal by karen, ML and Li Mei. the buddha jumped over wall soup was the highlight..such a yummy soup! lin supplied the yee sang and we made nyonya prawns. Later, the girls played MJ while i hopped between serving them tea and watching cutie ryker sleeping peacefully on our bed. The guys watched a silly show by Nicholas Cage to pass time.

michiko fell really sick that very day too. she complained of kidney pains and thought she had lung cancer as she was coughing. such drama. I spent 3 hours with her at 2 clinics that saturday morning and turns out, she just had a normal cough. But the doctor advised that she go for an ultrasound for her kidney as he could not diagnose her sickness. happy to post that one ultrasound at SGH, 2 GP visits, $350 bucks later, michiko is all well and given a clean bill of health (suspected UTI which 2 courses of anti biotics took care of). A week after she recovered, we celebrated Michiko's 31st bday with a yummy choc cake from Lana Cake.

Michael Lim's daily visits. I think I got a preview of life with 2 kids..the constant screaming, the tantrums and meltdowns, the pushing, biting, grabbing, time-outs and of course, the occasional hugging and loving (esp at the end of the day - yes, that's how long it takes for the 2 kiddos to warm up to each other). On one hand, Michael is such a sweet boy..he listens, reads on his own, understands instructions to the core. On the other hand, that boy just won't eat. It takes us an hour to get him to finish half his meal..some days when we are tired, we cheat and just give in to his peanut butter sandwich request which he eats on his own and finishes :). Knowing how much Pat misses her little boy, we update her with emails 2-3 times a week and get michael to talk on the phone with her as often as we can.

One sunday night, we had an impromptu wine cheese gathering as jin was craving some cheese and me some yummy geruztraminer. WH,. IZ and HW gamely came over to help us satisfy our cravings.

besides the above, we have been busy planning for our upcoming short weekend breaks. Managed to get jin to agree to take me to Borobudor..woohoo. Mom's going to come babysit for this trip and end of May when we head to Ho Chi Minh, it will be in laws turn to babysit.yay!

Bean's latest entertaining words : I WANT...I want cao mei (strawberry). I want MY choot choot (pacifier). I want Bread. hehee..makes me laugh :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mummy Time

The things bean do which melts my we tell her there's sleeping time, poo poo time, bathing time, eating time and playground time. Today on the way back from the playground with Michiko, bean tells michiko - Mummy Time :) I love how her little mind works..everything is so black and white and yes, seeing mummy again and wanting to play with mummy constitutes as mummy time!

Lets see, what else has the 20 month old toddler been entertaining me with? ah yes, her love for the moon or yue liang as she sometimes calls it. Every evening, she will ask to see the moon so we go for a quick walk and look out for Mr Moon..and the other day, we were walking back after spotting the moon and wishing him good night, another guy walked past us to the direction we just came from. So bean does her usual : Hi Uncle and followed by Uncle walk. so I say: yes, uncle walking away. and Bean goes : Uncle walk, go see moon :D..again, i love how her little mind sees things. so clear, so simple, so pure!

The funniest was the other day when jin did something annoying and i said in a really exasperated tone : HOneeyyyyyy and low behold, bean went : the same exasperated tone..that really made me laugh.

no one ever told me that when you have a child, you also get a comic relief for free :)