Monday, May 3, 2010

these are a few of my favourite words

bean's vocab grows by the day - she's now into joining words up so they make more sense. here's what she has been busy with :

umbrella close
no more people (when she saw an empty bus)
dirty puddle
mummy/daddy sing song (she says this a lot, esp when she's upset or in pain..somehow a song comforts her)
i want to see mummy, i want to bath, i want to eat biscuit

and she sings :
happy birthday

i get so excited when i hear her say a new word..but i am also dreading the time to come when she will use those exact new words to form an argument with me :P

A 60 second conversation with Daddy

Phone rings..

bean : hell-lo daddee
daddy : hi, how was your day, what are you doing?
daddy : what are you watching?
bean : EAting BROCOLL-Leeee
daddy : i heard you cried at school today, why did...
bean interupts : bye bye daddee, see you laterrrr

enuff said :)

Bean's 1st day at playschool

At 22 mths, bean attended her 1st day of school today. It started off well..she obediently allowed the teacher to check her hands and foot for any signs of HFMD and then went off to class with the teacher without even a wave to me. I stood watching from outside, out of sight of course and saw her eating her breakfast of bread with jam and following the teacher as they sat down for songs and storytelling.

Then she started getting restless and looked around searching for a familiar face. seeing none, she started whimpering - i could see all 2 corners of her mouth turned down. and then huge fat tears rolled down her face..the teacher saw this and went to attend to her..thankfully it was also craft time so bean got distracted with the paint and art.

next was mandarin session and this was when she lost all interest (seeing it's in a foreign language) and started sobbing..and sobs turned to "Mummy, MUMMY, MUMMMEEE"..and went on for a good 40 minutes..all through chinese class and music class. my heart was torn between going in to comfort her but i knew it was for the best that i stayed out of sight..sobs.

Music class moved on to lunch time and thankfully bean got distracted by the sight of a bowl filled with congee and the fun of getting to feed herself. she made a good mess but at least the tears stopped and she was once again curiously watching all her classmates and the going ons around her.

she finally spotted me spying on her and smiled but still sat quietly on her chair eating her biscuit dessert. Only when she was done and her teacher had cleaned her up did she get up from her chair and banged on the door to ask me to get her out!

probably was the longest 3 hours we both had in awhile. lets hope tomorrow there will be no more crying. love you bean!