Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This Sophie ahhh

Bean is a whole lot more communicative these days...her conversations with me are getting longer and with a lot more substance. Today's conversation went like this :

Bean : Che che bella went to school in small bus
Me : next time when sophie is bigger, you get to sit small bus to school too
Bean with a thinking look says to me : Sophie sit big bus to school


and just yesterday she said : sophie no eat raisin
Me : why sophie no eat raisin
Bean : I told you already, Sophie coughing

and finally, when she accidently does something like dropping her spoon or not picking up her toys, she will exclaim loudly :"this Sophie ahhhh"


Friday, July 2, 2010

Bean turns TWO

We actually had a pre-bday celebration in KL last weekend (but photographer has not sent us any pix!) but we wanted to do something small for her on the actual birthdate . So today, we decided to buy a cake for her to celebrate with her friends at school.

Here are some shots before bean left for school..
Bean with her "happy face" pose
I love you lady bug ;)
What are YOU looking at?

And here she is with her friends and 2 teachers. I am glad we spent a bit more getting the 3D ladybug cake and also had the celebration at school cos bean really seemed to like the cute cake and pure joy was on her face when her friends sang happy bday to her in - both the english and chinese versions. Each time before the song ended, she looked over to me and asked if she could blow the candle. lol.
Why are we waiting? why are we waiting?
Bean's showing that she is 2
Can I blow the candle now mummy?
we believe that the Little fella on our left blew out bean's candle!!
With Liang Lao Shi and Ms Jessie

Our dear sweetheart ate wayy too much cake and all that came out after she drank her afternoon milk. she looked at the mess and asked us "what happened?". :)

Yes my dear daughter - eating too much cake will make you sick!