Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bean @ 25 months

Here's what bean was up to during the busy months of July & August (which by the way, went by in a flash as we were crazy busy with the move into our new & permanent home! - note to Jin, no more moving unless it's to another country!)

we celebrated aunty lin's bday at JPot steamboat

we were actually in town for our 1st spore national day after 8 years living in spore!

self entertaining while mummy was busy packing up

she insisted that she was spiderman by doning on jin's shirt

attended Ethan's terrific 2s her tip toeing here

wonder what bean did to Gordon to get that glare :p

helping to clean up her new room before move in date

Babymooning in Bali with Bean tagging along

We had a great time in Bali over the Raya break. We stayed at the beautiful Ayana Resort at Jimbaran. The hotel staff must like bean a lot cos they upgraded us to a villa from day 2 onwards which came with our own swimming/wading pool, butler service, outdoor and indoor shower,!

View of a small section of the resort - so pretty!

Bean enjoyed having her parent's full attention on her and only her - I enjoyed the time off work and just getting to relax by the beach and eating yummy meals.

Enjoying her tomato sauce - dip dip dip

Plucking huge hibiscus flowers

Glorious spread at Bumbu Bali restaurant

THis shot of bean hiding behind jin is too cute!

loving the waves

Sharing her tomato sauce with daddy

and finally, being 2 means having your own seat on the airplane

Our little Mei Mei

This was how I told the world of baby no 2, couple of months back :

Baby no 2 update - just completed detailed scan today at 20 weeks (that's 4.5 months people! and yes I am pregnant NOT FAT!) - results are all good and it's a little mei mei for sophie..woohoo! jin's estactic at the $$ we will be saving from clothes and toys ;)

Today, at 33 weeks, the little one is moving a LOT (so much more than Bean). At the last scan at Week 31, she was 1.7kgs - doc says all is good.

Pregnancy wise, this has been great. will not say more just in case I jinx it but have to admit that I have been really really blessed!

Her room and things are about 60% there. we still need to put in the wall paper and wash all the toys and clothes. but i have got all the essentials - diapers, bottles, diaper rash creams (5 different brands), pacifier (is 1 enuff?), a bunny soft toy..hmm, i think i need to stock up on some milk powder and wet wipes!

bean knows baby is in mummy's tummy. some days she sayangs my tummy..other days she yells and says :mei mei wake up, mei mei come out! LOL

until the next mei mei update, here's a preggy me at 7 mths visiting Eastern Europe.