Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

After 8 long years in Spore, we are finally spending our 1st Christmas here! To celebrate, we splurged and got a really nice 7 foot tall tree.

Bean trying to get the ornaments out

Santa's little helper

Yay! I did it - she says.
This little one slept through all the excitement
The end result - a little crooked but that is jin's finishing touch ;)
Now, all that is missing are the presents..hint hint hint..anyone? :)

Hayley's 1st excursion

Our confinement aunty left us for the day to attend a wedding - with a bored toddler and grandma in the house, I thought it was best we all release some of the pent up energy - so off to Sentosa we went - 4 adults, 1 excited toddler and a sleepy baby

There was a Buskers Festival in Sentosa that week - we caught 2 shows. Bean had a great time watching the shows, checking out the fountains, Merlion and sitting the monorail train. Hayley slept throughout, waking only to have her diaper changed once and drinking her milk.

woohoo, i am finally out of the house!!!

A very captivated bean watching the performance

The buskers were really entertaining

Need milk? Got Milk!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hayley's full month celebration

Our little baby is now a month time flies,,wasn't it just yesterday we brought her back from the hospital? I am not sure how much she weighs now but I love how this pix shows off her chubbiness :)

To celebrate Hayley's full month, we invited a bunch of friends over and caught up over a catered buffet lunch from Angeli's. I also managed to track down a satay man who made the most delicious pork satay which was a hit with the guests.

Snacks for the children
Satay Man from Tiong Bahru
Hayley's 1st mth confinement aunty - Li Ling
Hayley and Po Po
Friends from KL and Bailey the doggy
The Little girl who slept through her whole party

Jin and I did not manage to take a pix with Hayley but here's another gorgeous pix of her - we love you little Hayley bean :)

As we could not invite everyone to the party, we got cupcakes made for Jin's colleagues - so pretty!