Friday, March 16, 2012

Dim sum land with Grandma Ng

Jo and i planned to bring the kids to disney but she backed out ! we went ahead as tickets were booked and since mom was visiting spore the period we were in HK, we decided to bring her along to HK (seems the last time she visited was 10 years ago!) as part of her many bday pressies (she kindly reminded me - fitflop, washing machine etc etc :D)

Hong Kong Disneyland, here we come!

Lets call Aunty Marie! (erm, that's not a phone girls!)

Jin booked us into the HK Disneyland hotel and upgraded us to the club floor which gave us free access to food all day, crafts and storytime sessions for the kids and best of all, Mickey dropping in everynight at 8.30 to say Good night . what a bunch of happy campers we were :). Muacks to Jin!

View from our room - garden maze

The seven dwarfs greeted us in the bathroom

A messy haired but happy mini bean

Bean enjoying the attention at the club floor lounge

Grandma enjoying brekkie while the kids get arty

Bean at 3 years, 8 mths. Mini bean at 1 year, 4 mths. see the height difference.

woohooo..Disney, we are here!

just entering Disney must have been too much excitement for the little one to handle..zzz

Bean : where's the beast? Belle : having his hair cut :P

Tickles from Rapunzel

Mini Bean : is that a real guy mummy?

the happy Disney-goers

Hilarious shot of soph who scared herself silly at the Jungle Cruise ride

Having a teacup session with Daddy

Bean's first 3D show experience. Mini bean refused to wear the glasses and kept her face firmly pasted to my chest throughout .

Mickey saying Goodnight..bye bye Disney! Until next year ya.

After 2 nights at Disney, we headed to Kowloon for the remaining 2 nights. Caught up with lisa and shad for a nightcap and managed dim sum with Jin's boss, Ali and family.

All onboard the Star Ferry

Got Soph to do some catwalk runs

first time ice-skating

A toast to mona lisa! (whole background was done on pieces of toast!)

playing around with cutleries at a local cha chang tang

sisterly chats in the bedroom of the hyatt regency hotel. love hayley's relax pose here

observing the locals on a quiet monday morning at kowloon park

Can't wait for our next visit to HK again! until's choy keen.

A typical scene in our household - Ipad addicts