Friday, June 9, 2006

June - a month where sports rule our lives

Its started. French open, world cup and NBA finals. Jin's going crazy not knowing which channel to watch and I am going dizzy with all the channel changing! My preference is tennis cos it's just 2 good looking men to focus on instead of a whole field of men ;)

This week has been slooowww..thank goodness for my lunch planning..I managed to visit Shunjuu ( a jap restaurant) on Monday with wai koon, jun and wee hoon. Afterthat, we had coffee at Rivercafe. Then on Wednesday, it was lunch with Charmaine at Simply Bread. She brought along her little pincher doggy named Paddy. He is cute! We have been invited to attend Paddy's 1st bday next weekend..I can't wait. My first doggy bday invite ;)

Tonight, we visited Mamma Lucia restaurant for Italian food..I actually wanted to splurge at Humble House but they were fully booked :p. Had lasagne at Mamma Lucia which was so-so but the head waiter was really friendly so I guess service compensates the mediocre food. I will however go back for their ridiculously cheap bar drinks and food. Feeling highly unsatisfied with dinner, we decided to treat ourselves a cake from Canele and that ended the night well :) mission is try at least 50% of their range of cakes by year end. Today we had the "Opera", which was a yummy 7 layer(i lost count) chocolate cake.

After dinner, we headed round the corner to Chambers to make reservations for tomorrow night's world cup dinner and show. The weekend ahead already looks interesting. :)

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