Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Gwen Stefani and fireworks

Last week went by in a blur...was stuck at a mktg summit for 3 days at Hilton and coupled with late nights working with the agency to launch two big mktg campaigns, the week seemed like a month long and i guess it shows..my idiot friend told me yesterday I look so haggard..I think he needs a good kick :D

Anyway, in the midst of madness, there must always be fun so tuesday night - we attended the Gwen Stefani concert..that woman is really something..37 yrs old and has a body of a 16 year old and energy of 20 horses..she put on a good show..much better than that boring Westlife concert we attended previously :p

Celebrated the weekend with Jason Bourne..it was a action packed Bourne Ultimatium which Jin and I enjoyed. Saturday was a super packed day with yoga and golf..I am learning that the only way to finish the course is to hit with my fairway wood aka 4th driver :p. Although pretty exhausted, Jin insisted we go see the last round of fireworks - part of National Day celebrations. It was a packed crowd from our viewpoint at the newly constructed One Raffles Quay..have not seen fireworks since New Year's eve in San Francisco 5 years ago and this brought back good memories :)

Also managed to catch the musical - King and I..great stage set but mediocare singing :P..Sunday was a fun relaxing day hanging out with Lin and RY..we played tennis in the hot hot sun and waved the white flag after an hour of being baked. Brunch was at nearby Choupinette (french bakery)..no camera but the burger and cakes were good.

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