Saturday, October 20, 2007

When you have an apple pie craving in the middle of the night...

...what does one do? Thankfully, the good folks from local ice-cream chain "The Island Creamery" thought this out and taa daa - Apple Pie ice cream. Angela and Charmaine brought these tubs along when they came to our house warming last night. I am definitely leaving some for Gordon when he comes all the way from SF this weekend to let him try.. might even hop in and buy a tub of pineapple tarts flavoured ice cream seeing he is quite a fan of pineapple tarts :). Jin's quite addicted to the teh tarik flavour but my personal favourite is Burnt you start, it's wayyy too hard to stop...:p

Last night's gathering went pretty well. Spent the morning grocery shopping at Tiong Bahru mkt..then Jin was kind enough to accommodate me to check out BMW's X3 first time driving a Bmer..was a great totally gunning for this car vs the more luxurious sucker for brands ..occupational hazard? :D

Back to the gathering - we had fried noodles, satay, chap chye, prawn and mushroom dish (by me!), soon kueh, bak chang and no meal's complete without dessert. I spent the afternoon testing out my molten lava cakes with the oven and temperature and my new moulds which I got from Chinatown earlier. Happy to note that the guests seemed rather contented after consuming the cakes with non other than Tillamook's Vanilla Bean ice cream (13.50 a tub but worth every penny!)

I made some for Karen since it was her's the bday girl with Lin

Now, back to the X3 driving experience. I really like the compactness of the SUV - it's brother the X5 is HUGE. Jin's concern is that it won't fit our golf bags..I disagree, it fits if you put the bags in diagonally la! hehehe. The drive is really smooth and how cool is it that the rear mirrors tilt down when you engage the reverse gear? this ensures you dont hit those nasty curbs or a silly cat! Sigh, if only money grew on trees...I would get a X3 for me and a Lexus for Jin. X3 X3 X3.....

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