Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ringing in the Rat...

It's officially the year of the rat. we enjoyed a 5 day break..day 1 in penang and the remaining 4 days in KL. Penang was HOT - nothing new there. Good food as usual and everyone looks the same with the exception of the 2 littles one - Adriel and Micheal. Jin's Ah Ma looked really frail - she has aged since her hip ops..kinda sad seeing her in her current state as she has always been lively in all our previous visits. Here's a snapshot of the family lo hei.

KL activities kept us on our feet and got me all sick again..the weather coupled with my growing tum tum meant less sleep..which automatically equates a cold :(. On day 2 of CNY, I suddenly felt that my tummy skin was being stretched a LOT..and it was extremely uncomfortable..I had to try several sleep positions but nothing worked...in the end, I think it was pure tiredness that helped me sleep a bit through the night.

Highlight of this CNY was mom's 60th bday - we held a party for 55 of her friends and relatives at a nyonya restaurant BiBi Chik. Played some bingo, had impromptu karoake sessions by Grandpa and Uncle Henry and the 60 mini cupcakes were a delight.

Another fun factor was the doggie Mom helped doggiesat..Bubbles the shih tzu - poor dog had her fur shaved off so she looked really weird..but adorable none the less :)

We also caught up with many groups of friends : Sean and Adeline, HP "old" group, LB & family, Lin and RY - everyone looked great and healthy :)

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