Thursday, March 27, 2008

Woken up by baby!

Have been getting really little sleep the past 3 night as baby's movements wake up me up halfway through my beauty rest ..although I am of course very happy that she's bouncing around so much, one does wonder why she can't do this during the day and sleep with me during the night..yawwnnn.
Boy, am I happy it's finally Friday ..the whole week was all about doing slides slides slides for VIP's visit next week..extremely mundane work eyes are definitely hurting as a result of long hours staring at the screen :(.

Had a great time back in KL last weekend..managed to satisfy durian cravings with RM100 worth of durians bought for durian party. This is how much durian was bought..and shared among 8 people..about 5 seeds per pax..YUMS

Jin and I also discovered another new noodle place near home..claypot lo shi fun..mixed with lots of mince meat, liver and 1 raw egg, it was very flavourful! Can't wait to eat it again on the next trip back :)..of course I will order my own pot minus the liver :D

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