Wednesday, December 3, 2008

5 months old baby bean

Sophie's a big 5 months now..Adora and I always make it a point to wish each other week by week on our darling's little milestones and we also always end with : our babies are growing up so fast!!

And of course Jin will say : please dont grow up so fast baby bean, we like you this way ;)
Sophie can now :

> hold her own Avent bottle and finish up her milk everyday

> flip from tummy to front

> play peek-a-boo with her cloth/ towel by herself

> suck on her toes and heels

> splash her bath water with her hands
There you go, 5 great achievements to mark 5 months :)

She goes to bed around 8-9pm every night and is woken up at midnight for her dream feed, afterwhich she usually sleeps right through till 7-8am. She loves to play and will give us her heart melting smiles enticing us to play with her -even at 5am sometimes!

She now drinks 150ml (5oz) 5 times a day. I plan to start her on solids once she sits upright steadily. For now, she just gets to suck on a banana :)

> Sophie - looking like a big girl holding her own milk bottle

> Sophie - so big, yet still so small - she loves sleeping on our bed :)

> Sophie - so boy yet so girl ;)

Happy 5 month my little beansprout. Mummy LOVES you...

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