Friday, April 24, 2009

A month of working from home..

..and counting on. So our Myanmese helper has been with us a month - which means, I have also started working from home for about a month now. What's working at home like?
1) Long hours! It's like one never stops working..I sit in front of the PC over lunch, tea and dinner. I am on emails at night while Jin watches Idol and Lost. When I am not working, it's tending to little bean - playing with her, cleaning her up, feeding her..yes, I can't help but to be a little hands on around my darling baby..but that also means - no ME time! I am tired..grrr

2) Lonely - no adult conversations :p thank goodness for msn where I get to stay in touch with some colleagues!

3) Hot - it's freaking hot working from home - trying to save planet earth by living via wind but geez, it's HOT.

4) Aching - could it be my posture but my shoulders do hurt a lot after a long day..hmmm

5) Rewarding - especially when little bean smiles ever so sweet to see my face upon waking up from her mid-morning and afternoon naps. Also, getting to hug her and smell her whenever I need a de-stress moment and there's no kit kat in the house!

These are the "making me smile" moments - little bean cuddling her bunny to sleep

No more yakking with colleagues over lunch. Replaced by watching bean play with her food with half attempts of putting food into her mouth :)


Lynda Ng said...

hehehe, why beanie sleep on your bed? :)

I think you need to get a nice comfy work chair... no more aching shoulders...

but yes, those smiles are totally rewarding.

minimunchkin said...

Hey didn't know you're working from home. How's that? Getting used to it?

Sorry haven't been spending much time on the computer. Visitors run is finally over and we just got back from a trip to Malaysia over Easter so finally getting back into the swing of things. So sat down for an hour last night and went through everyone's blog!

Sophie looks like such the seasoned traveller! Can't wait to meet her, and for the kids to meet again. Looks like she's a really good baby too, and SUPER CUTE. I just love her facial expressions :)

Will you guys be heading our here anytime soon? No plans on our end to go to Singapore for now. Maybe during the summer break if Shad goes for work, we may come along.