Saturday, May 2, 2009

1 + 0 months

So Uncle McD - tell me what's it like being so old?

Our bean turned 10 months today - she has been busy *literally*. Check out what we made her do - yup , work for her milk ;)

First you click on the mouse...

then you type Ctrl Alt done mummy :)

When I grow up, I want a access card just like mummys :)

Being able to spend whole days with her now, we have gotten into a comfortable schedule

8am : wake up and latches for milk, then plays on her own till mid morning snack

930am : Morning snack - apples/ bananas/ yogurt with brown rice cereal, then plays with michiko watcher her while mummy works

1030am : morning nap for an hour

1145 am : Fish porridge lunch with sweet potato, carrots, brocolli combi (she gets the same for dinner)

1230pm : poo poo time and then plays with michiko watching.sometimes mummy takes a break and play with her or read to her :)

3pm : 210ml of milk and then afternoon nap for an hour

430pm : biscuit or banana tea snack

5pm : goes for evening swim or walk with mummy

6pm : dinner and bath time - then plays until..

8pm : milk of 210ml and zzz

We took her to the Jacob Ballas children's garden yesterday and soph got to touch and eat sand :p. she enjoyed the touch part but cough cough over the eat part.

All smiles for another outing...

Ok, now where's the food?

oh, i get it..I am supposed to eat the spade..

NOt too happy about eating spade and sand...

We spent the afternoon over at Chejet's place making key lime pie. Our 1st attempt went quite well :) I think I can start taking orders since I got the thumbs up by Michiko..haha.

This evening , Poppy came over to celebrate the 10 months and also have a swim. Aren't the 4 bunnies cute? :)

Sweet bean and daddy :)

We ended the night stuffing ourselves at Donna Carmela's. So stuffed that we could not even touch dessert! Soph konked out right after her night feed..she must have been tired out by all the work she had to do this morning :)


Cheryl said...

Precious photos! I like the commentary too :)

Unknown said...

the baby bunnies don't look so happy in the pool! haha