Sunday, May 31, 2009

Super sore legs.

Yes! We completed the Adidas 10km sundown run last night. The funniest thing happened where we got to the start line like 5 minutes after the start of the race at 8pm and of course, there was no one there. The organiser just told us to "Run Run" Jin said " you take care of yourself yeah, I go ahead" and left me running by myself (me asking myself at this point..where is the for better for worse??! :p)

I ran 4 km non stop with Celine Dion blasting in my ears. Thankfully the weather was cool as it rained just an hour earlier. After the 4km mark, I walked and ran intermittently - reaching the Finish line about 10 minutes after Jin (not sure of the exact time it took us to finish - will know in a couple of days). We definitely completed the run within 1 hour 20 minutes..if anyone's asking how I managed to do it, the thought that kept playing over my mind throughout was : just get it over with..the slower you take, the longer to finish. :)

After the run, Jin rewarded himself with a luncheon meat with egg sandwich..he said that was his real motivation for completing the
My legs are feeling super sore today...i did not even have the strength to carry Sophie! No more running for me - think I will focus on yoga or pilates next.
update, 2/6/09 : Received sms that my total run time was 1 hour 14 minutes - 4 minutes after Soon Jin! hehe, not bad for someone who really did not train :P..and get this, we came out no 45 in the top 50 groups ranking in the group challenge (consist of 4 runners, and having their total time added up - I am still wondering how many groups were there in total!). No idea who our other 2 group members were but hope they are not like super mad with us for not running faster :p

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow bunny i am so proud of you! luncheong meat and egg sandwich. yum. that'll be MY motivation if i do a race :P