Thursday, July 2, 2009

A birthday tale

2 July 2009 - birthday of a precious sweet little baby girl

All through last night, I kept telling Jin that last year this time, we were in the labour ward - Jin just went on and on about how he did not like bean turning one..he just wants her cocooned at 11 months and 30 days. Well, like it or not - our little Bean turned ONE today.

This was taken this morning..bean was still fast asleep at 830am. Even the flash of the camera could not wake up the bday baby.

Bean : ooo, i get to wear a pretty dress and play - fun fun, I like this thing they call birthday

Mummy made me wear this silly hat

A kiss from mummy cos she thinks i am kawaii :)

My honey bee house birthday cake!

Daddy, mummy , me and cake

It's Happy Birthday to Me!

Sophie was super HaPpY - check her out at the video below.

I like Cake!

Yay, Aunty Hsu Wei likes does bumble bee :)

Gimme that flower already!

Quick take the pix..we want to open the presents what I needed!


Ok, wat's next?

My very own Patrick..and $$$..this deserves a real clap ;)

I like my patrick..ok ok, i like aunty lin and aunty li mei too
haha..that was real funny..

stop it, i am down on the floor with laughter :)

mummy says i look like a big girl here..but i cant even walk yet!

I love my daddy..he plays with me when mummy's busy :P

wahhh..another cake..i like!

Bean the magician - see how she "puts out" the candle flame

1 comment:

lc said...

hi cindy!! Sophie's bday cake looks amazing!! :D she has the loveliest smile! happy 1st! xox