Monday, October 5, 2009

B = bus, bird, ball, bike and Birthday

Jin turned another year younger last saturday..we started off the day with brunch at Spruce. Love the ambience but service was horrible. One wait staff serving 8 tables - our orders were taken after nearly 20 minutes, coffee was served a good 15 minutes later. Halfway through, there was a power outage and we had to wait for our bill. The food was so-so, maybe marred by the long wait times.

Sophie was recovering from Roseola so with her face in red patches, we decided to cancel dinner plans for Jin. Instead, we did the cake cutting (got a durian cake for jin!) on sunday. Look at the happy faces :)

The last part of the bday celebrations was a one night stay at Ritz Carlton. Love love love the hotel.

oh, bean has been saying lots of words - ball, bird, bus, bike..all Bs :)

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

Happy Bday Jin! Sophie is sooo cute... can't wait to see and play with her!