Monday, March 1, 2010

Mummy Time

The things bean do which melts my we tell her there's sleeping time, poo poo time, bathing time, eating time and playground time. Today on the way back from the playground with Michiko, bean tells michiko - Mummy Time :) I love how her little mind works..everything is so black and white and yes, seeing mummy again and wanting to play with mummy constitutes as mummy time!

Lets see, what else has the 20 month old toddler been entertaining me with? ah yes, her love for the moon or yue liang as she sometimes calls it. Every evening, she will ask to see the moon so we go for a quick walk and look out for Mr Moon..and the other day, we were walking back after spotting the moon and wishing him good night, another guy walked past us to the direction we just came from. So bean does her usual : Hi Uncle and followed by Uncle walk. so I say: yes, uncle walking away. and Bean goes : Uncle walk, go see moon :D..again, i love how her little mind sees things. so clear, so simple, so pure!

The funniest was the other day when jin did something annoying and i said in a really exasperated tone : HOneeyyyyyy and low behold, bean went : the same exasperated tone..that really made me laugh.

no one ever told me that when you have a child, you also get a comic relief for free :)

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

hehe. there is more to come. Today, Ryan stood by the stairs and said "Gordon, bring milk for di-di"...and I did not even ask Ryan to do it....