Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This Sophie ahhh

Bean is a whole lot more communicative these days...her conversations with me are getting longer and with a lot more substance. Today's conversation went like this :

Bean : Che che bella went to school in small bus
Me : next time when sophie is bigger, you get to sit small bus to school too
Bean with a thinking look says to me : Sophie sit big bus to school


and just yesterday she said : sophie no eat raisin
Me : why sophie no eat raisin
Bean : I told you already, Sophie coughing

and finally, when she accidently does something like dropping her spoon or not picking up her toys, she will exclaim loudly :"this Sophie ahhhh"


1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

hmmm, sounds like comments she learned from you! how cute. hehehe. don't forget to take videos of her.