Sunday, October 31, 2010

October in a flash!

Don't know where the time goes but October came and went by super fast. Here are some quick highlights ...
Bean doing the balancing act while modelling some flesh..i lurve her belly button and she knows it and runs off each time i threaten to give it a kiss ;)

D-I-Y vietnamese popiah party, followed by MJ session

we did 2 visits to the zoo, bean lurves the B&J cows

Jin made yummy crepes for breakfast- umm

attended alyssa's 2 yr old party

looking all big and grown up here *too fast in mummy's opinion!*

steamboat din at j-pot to celebrate the oct babies bdays

the Oct babies (Jin, ML and Karen) with our small but perfectly yummy durian cake

Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween folks!

What's Halloween without some "yummy but odd" food?

This year, we have our own Hallo -witch!

But she must be one of the "good" witches - with a grin like that :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week 35+ Maternity Shots

Saw the gynae today and the little one is now 2.2kgs at week 35 plus. I have put on about 9.6kgs - really feel like a giant watermelon! Doc says placenta is still low so blocking the cervix which means baby can't engage..I have 2 more weeks to "talk" to her, afterwhich if nothing moves, C-sect could be a possibility..argh!

Got Jin to take some maternity shots and really liked what turned out ..not bad for amateur home shots la!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A mat hatting children's day

A happy Alice and Mad Hatter :)

Bean's school celebrated Children's Day to the theme of Alice in Wonderland. She dressed up as a "Alice", Popo was the Mad Hatter and Mummy became Tweedledum-wannabe.

The school went all out with the decos and activities. Although we got rained in, we still managed to enjoy ourselves a plenty.

A setting fit for a grand tea party!

Bean stuffed herself with sweet corn, jelly, sandwiches, cocktail sausages X 6 and cakes!

There was a dressing up/photo shoot corner

and a make your own mat hatter hat fun activity

bean got to throw some hula hoops on the flamingoes...

and there were face painting done by the talented teachers

a week later, the kids were asked to come back to perform their mini song skit which they did not get to do due to the heavy downpour on the actual event day

Morning out in MacRitchie.. Does this count? :)

Bean at the start of our "walk"

So we decided to be a bit healthy and thought a morning walk at MacRitchie might be just the thing. Barely 5 minutes of walking and the heat got to us (mind you it was like 930am only) and we spent the rest of our time on this bench - recharging before taking a slow 5 minutes walk back to our air conditioned car :D

All sweaty already..bean looks like me ya?

Mummy decided that some arm lifting exercises counts as part of being healthy

Matching blue with Mummy ..heehee

Just a happy bean and I

Happy Bday to Jin..always 30,:)

We celebrated Jin's "constantly @ 30" bday with a karoake session and 2 cakes. why 2? cos the bday boy wanted a cheese cake but the preggy lady (read : greedy me!) wanted chocolate so I went ahead and ordered 2 cakes :)

The karoake crowd with 2 kiddos! Bean had a blast cos she got to sing twinkle twinkle, abc and happy bday while Jin sang all the Abba hits.

We ended the day with just dinner for 2 at Xi Yan. yummy meal for my darling hubby :)