Sunday, October 10, 2010

Morning out in MacRitchie.. Does this count? :)

Bean at the start of our "walk"

So we decided to be a bit healthy and thought a morning walk at MacRitchie might be just the thing. Barely 5 minutes of walking and the heat got to us (mind you it was like 930am only) and we spent the rest of our time on this bench - recharging before taking a slow 5 minutes walk back to our air conditioned car :D

All sweaty already..bean looks like me ya?

Mummy decided that some arm lifting exercises counts as part of being healthy

Matching blue with Mummy ..heehee

Just a happy bean and I


Lynda Ng said...

Love the pics of Beanie and you! She is so cute. Want to cubit her. Give her a kiss for me. MUAKS!

Olivia said...

OH,Beanny is so grown up..she looks exactly like pretty mommy!!