Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hayley's 1st excursion

Our confinement aunty left us for the day to attend a wedding - with a bored toddler and grandma in the house, I thought it was best we all release some of the pent up energy - so off to Sentosa we went - 4 adults, 1 excited toddler and a sleepy baby

There was a Buskers Festival in Sentosa that week - we caught 2 shows. Bean had a great time watching the shows, checking out the fountains, Merlion and sitting the monorail train. Hayley slept throughout, waking only to have her diaper changed once and drinking her milk.

woohoo, i am finally out of the house!!!

A very captivated bean watching the performance

The buskers were really entertaining

Need milk? Got Milk!

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