Sunday, February 27, 2011

February flew by...

arghh! can't believe i start work again tomorrow..where did my 4 months of maternity go?! sigh.
Feb was just one of those months I wished would never end..we did so much and there was so much more to do. Here's a tea-spoonful of what we did (CNY gets it's own blog post) :

Decorating a valentine's day cake for daddy

Mummy decided to do some decoration on Bean ;)

The piece of art by Sophie-angelo

We went back in time and rode the pink dinasaurs @bedok reservior park

Bean started tracing alphabets and to a pretty good start I must say

we enjoyed Thursdays @ Tiong Bahru Arts & Crafts

Played hide and seek on rainy days

sobs..i am sure going to miss the two kids..hayley's generous smiles and yes, bean's endless "why?"

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