Monday, March 28, 2011

When negotiations do not work..try compliments instead

Little Ms Negotiator

Bean loves to negotiate. when I tell her she gets 2 more grapes, she will say "3 more mummy, 3 more". When I tell her that's the last song on the iPad, she says "2 more songs mummy". when i tell her it's bath time in 2 minutes, she goes "5 more minutes!". when i say time for bed, she says "1st I sing to animals (all her soft toys on her bed), then I play pocolini (her leapfrog caterpillar), then I sleep"

Today while feeding her her dinner (she loves pasta nights!), she asked me to read to her. after about 3 books and lots of exaggerated acting from me, I said enough. as usual she went, "just 1 more book mummy, just 1" and I said " no sophie, I am tired" and then she looked at me earnestly and said "please mummy..sweet pie". LOL..she picked that up as I always call her my sweetie pie. naturally she won and I continued reading.

as she is past midway her terrible twos , here's what she has definitely picked up from her peers at school :
- a GIANT "NOOO" with arms folded and a huffy look on her face
- lie on floor and kicking legs when she does not get her way
- playing with saliva (hmm, maybe this one she is regressing and following mini bean)

a slight change in her sleeping style - she now sleeps on her pillow and hugging not just bunny but the big mickey and her bolster. she still sleeps on her tummy and we get to see the occasionally butt up in the air sleep pose.

when she reaches home from school and if i am not home, she will call me and says "hello mummy, where are you now?" and then "I want you to come home now" and then "I want mummy to buy me something". that something can be anything ranging from food (usually chocs) to toys. most times i just bring out something from the kitchen - thankfully she is easy to please.

our friend Deb recently posted about the Marshmellow test - the secret of self control. she mentioned that the test is best done on kids ages 4 and above..I was curious to see how bean will fare. so far I have tested her 3 times on random occasions with chocolate and each time, she has patiently waited, forgoing instant gratification for a bigger "reward". i did not follow the exact instructions of the test which was that the child be left in a room with the treat alone. maybe that would yield a different result? I should definitely try it the right way.

My colleague asked me today how's life with 2 kids - I gave her the first word that came to my mind "tiring!" but added on "but I love it!"..yes I do miss my ME time - I was feeling really sick over the weekend with flu, headache and body aches - yet there was still the twice a night feeds and bean's constant "I want you to play with me mummy". But hearing their sweet laughter and cute replies along with the hugs and kisses (and smells - snifflelous is what jin calls mini bean) - 110% worth it!

cheeky, exasperating, noisy BUT i love her to bits!

Our Little Ms Snifflelous

My sweetie pie and me

Mini bean's serious face

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

She flips, she flips, o baby

At 4 months, mini bean is doing the flips..forward and backward -with much ease too. we have to keep reminding ourselves not to leave her alone on our bed or sofa incase she does a double flip and falls. unfortunately, no pictures of her flipping cos everytime i swipe out the camera, the little one turns all camera shy *sigh*

I do however have pictures of the 2 sisters..i like to say from the nose up, they could pass off as twins. but hayley has definitely inherited her daddy's chin

We spent one saturday morning hanging out at BG as I wanted to let Bean try out a ELC bubble blower she received as a gift from Cheryl like a whole year back.

with bean b4 she went to watch the ugly duckling with Jin

a typical scene at meal times these days

Sunday, March 6, 2011

and the award goes to...

Me!! for surviving my 1st week back at work after loooong 4 months :). in line with oscar week, this would have been my acceptance speech.

Category : Best survivor in their 1st week back at work after child delivery

wow! thank you. what an honour! to be in the same category with you angelina (jolie) and still win! (maybe cos you have like an army to help you and wait, dont really need to get back to work do you?) ..There are so many people to thank..God, for giving me mental alertness and patience to get through morning traffic and the ton of terrible drivers on the road. My darling hubby, jin - for waking up to help out with the 4am feeds. my in laws for staying with us and helping to watch the household so that I could be out of the house 10 hours a day with a peace of mind. My helper for taking such good care of bean and mini bean while i am out..and the nanny for giving mini bean lots of love (and spoiling her silly by carrying her non stop!)..and and...(backgroud music comes on : twinkle twinkle little stars)...and my manager at work for being understanding and letting me get off work travel..the cleaner aunty at work for keeping the toilets clean so i can do all my pumping in there and catch that 5 minute cat nap. thank you all, I love guys rock!!