Wednesday, March 16, 2011

She flips, she flips, o baby

At 4 months, mini bean is doing the flips..forward and backward -with much ease too. we have to keep reminding ourselves not to leave her alone on our bed or sofa incase she does a double flip and falls. unfortunately, no pictures of her flipping cos everytime i swipe out the camera, the little one turns all camera shy *sigh*

I do however have pictures of the 2 sisters..i like to say from the nose up, they could pass off as twins. but hayley has definitely inherited her daddy's chin

We spent one saturday morning hanging out at BG as I wanted to let Bean try out a ELC bubble blower she received as a gift from Cheryl like a whole year back.

with bean b4 she went to watch the ugly duckling with Jin

a typical scene at meal times these days

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hehe @ last pic: Mini Bean is saying "I want what she's having!"