Sunday, April 8, 2012

Staycation @ Hard Rock Sentosa

bean has a fascination with hotels..she is somehow able to pick out a hotel when she sees one and then she will ask why we are not staying in it :P. so imagine her happiness when we told her we were staying a night at the sentosa hard rock hotel.

we spent most of our time at their cool kid friendly pool with its sandy bottom. bean had fun at the slide and jacuzzi while hayley busied herself with sand play.

At night, we headed out and ate at the nearby Imperial xiao long bao which btw, serves a really good ziao long bao. must better than din tai fong IMO. and then we walked around the waterfront and chanced upon the Dance of the Crane watershow. loved the symphony of colours, lights with water and the mini fireworks at the end was a nice finishing touch.

After the show, I took hayley home and left bean with jin at the hotel. our little mini bean still wakes up before dawn (5.30am!) for her milk so figured that we should not deprive the whole family of sleep .

Next morning, after more pool time, we checked out and headed to the newly opened Malaysian Food Street. we had the chow kuey teow, KL HokKien noodles which was bad but thankfully the cendol and bakery items like the siew bao, chicken pie passed our msian tastebuds test.

After, we took a long stroll along the Sentosa boardwalk back to vivo city where i had parked the car. Have to say that the whole place was done up quite nicely with a shaded path and great views.

A very tired bean after the scootering to get to the end of the boardwalk

Until our next staycation...

Egg Hunting in style

Pat got the kids these fluffy bunny head it!

we decided come rain or shine , we will have our easter egg hunt and that we did..on the huge huge lawn at the uTown campus.

After the kids checked out their loots, and popped jellybeans into their mouths, we headed to the nice study tables and dyed the kampung chicken eggs brought by Pat. we were the only table having the most fun. bet we were the envy of all the studying folks seated around us.

dip dip dip..and taadaa..a coloured egg

Soph with her proud masterpiece

pix of the little them both to bits!

sidenote : i was just looking at what we did last easter ..see how much bean has grown! oh i do miss her chubby cheeks.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The world thru Bean's eyes

Bean is always cracking me up. today I took her to a music accessment class and told her the teacher's name is Ms Gan. she let out a stream of laughter and I did not know why. Later while we were walking back, she said, "but mummy, the teacher will spray water at me!" and I said "why do you say that?" and she promptly replied " bcos her name is Ms GUN"

and you know the Christmas Christian song which goes, "Oh come let us Adore HIM"..soph's version is "Oh come lets get a doggie". ...LOL

and every day when she gets ready for her noon nap, she says " mummy, i only want to sleep 2 minutes ok? wake me up in 2 minutes"..and her 2 minutes actually means 2 hours! kids just have no concept of time.

Now when she wants something and if the answer is No, she will say "but you know when people ask for something politely, you have to give them"..yes, indeed!

how i wish I can Freeze these beautiful moments forever.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dim sum land with Grandma Ng

Jo and i planned to bring the kids to disney but she backed out ! we went ahead as tickets were booked and since mom was visiting spore the period we were in HK, we decided to bring her along to HK (seems the last time she visited was 10 years ago!) as part of her many bday pressies (she kindly reminded me - fitflop, washing machine etc etc :D)

Hong Kong Disneyland, here we come!

Lets call Aunty Marie! (erm, that's not a phone girls!)

Jin booked us into the HK Disneyland hotel and upgraded us to the club floor which gave us free access to food all day, crafts and storytime sessions for the kids and best of all, Mickey dropping in everynight at 8.30 to say Good night . what a bunch of happy campers we were :). Muacks to Jin!

View from our room - garden maze

The seven dwarfs greeted us in the bathroom

A messy haired but happy mini bean

Bean enjoying the attention at the club floor lounge

Grandma enjoying brekkie while the kids get arty

Bean at 3 years, 8 mths. Mini bean at 1 year, 4 mths. see the height difference.

woohooo..Disney, we are here!

just entering Disney must have been too much excitement for the little one to handle..zzz

Bean : where's the beast? Belle : having his hair cut :P

Tickles from Rapunzel

Mini Bean : is that a real guy mummy?

the happy Disney-goers

Hilarious shot of soph who scared herself silly at the Jungle Cruise ride

Having a teacup session with Daddy

Bean's first 3D show experience. Mini bean refused to wear the glasses and kept her face firmly pasted to my chest throughout .

Mickey saying Goodnight..bye bye Disney! Until next year ya.

After 2 nights at Disney, we headed to Kowloon for the remaining 2 nights. Caught up with lisa and shad for a nightcap and managed dim sum with Jin's boss, Ali and family.

All onboard the Star Ferry

Got Soph to do some catwalk runs

first time ice-skating

A toast to mona lisa! (whole background was done on pieces of toast!)

playing around with cutleries at a local cha chang tang

sisterly chats in the bedroom of the hyatt regency hotel. love hayley's relax pose here

observing the locals on a quiet monday morning at kowloon park

Can't wait for our next visit to HK again! until's choy keen.

A typical scene in our household - Ipad addicts

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hayley @ 14.5 months

Our youngest bean is getting bigger. she walks like a pro now, runs like she's stepping on coal, hardly ever crawls and loves screaming the word "Dahhhdeeeeee" and of coz, "NO!" btw, Dahdee usually means "mummy" cos she screams the word even when Jin is in the same room and only stops when I am within her sights :p

A quick run down on what she can say :
- Dahdeee (mummy)
- pease (please)
- yeye (xie xie)
- NO!
- YES!
- ye ye (grandpa)
- mummee (yummy)
- What zi that (what is that)
- There!
- I lobb yew (my fav! I LOVE YOU)

she's still fairy light..8kgs at 13.5 months (and she was the same 8kgs at 10 months!)..doc said we have to give her pediasure but we persevered and patiently fed her and made sure she finished her meals and happy to report that at 14.5 months, she now weights 8.75kgs...woohoo,my arms are so gong to thank me in Hong Kong next month :p

her favourite game is "peek a BOO" and she loves running to us when stuffing her face in between our legs yelling "BOOO", "BOOO". hilarious!

This sweetie pie can also give kisses, rub nose and hugs with pats on demand.

The tiger in hayley comes out when she's upset. Usually when she sees Big Bean snuggling with me, she gets quite upset and rushes over to try smack her big sis. Aiyoh!

As for sleeping through the nite, hits and misses. some nights she sleeps from 8.30pm till 6am. sometimes she wakes up 2-4 times a night crying for us. sleep training is taking a looong time with this little one.

I love you little one, crazy fuzzy hair and all :)