Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The world thru Bean's eyes

Bean is always cracking me up. today I took her to a music accessment class and told her the teacher's name is Ms Gan. she let out a stream of laughter and I did not know why. Later while we were walking back, she said, "but mummy, the teacher will spray water at me!" and I said "why do you say that?" and she promptly replied " bcos her name is Ms GUN"

and you know the Christmas Christian song which goes, "Oh come let us Adore HIM"..soph's version is "Oh come lets get a doggie". ...LOL

and every day when she gets ready for her noon nap, she says " mummy, i only want to sleep 2 minutes ok? wake me up in 2 minutes"..and her 2 minutes actually means 2 hours! kids just have no concept of time.

Now when she wants something and if the answer is No, she will say "but you know when people ask for something politely, you have to give them"..yes, indeed!

how i wish I can Freeze these beautiful moments forever.

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