Monday, February 4, 2008

Relish for OK burgers..overpriced!

Jin's been really accommodative in my recent eating seems all i want to eat these days are soupy stuff..can be soupy tom yam, soupy pan mee, chinese soups etc..felt it was my turn to give him a treat so we checked out Relish at Cluny Court for saturday lunch. Jin ordered the Relish burger while I went for the Mexicano..I did not realise that the cheese for the burgers was an optional $3 so imagine my surprise to bite into my well done burger (cant eat medium well :p) and found only jalapenos, avocado spread with meat..sigh..what's a burger without the cheese indulgence? :p

Jin's house burger was good but not as good as marmalade's pantry. At least service was good and attentive..they allowed me to change my sides of chips to salad and on the attentive part, my poor hubby did not realise that there was a clear glass door blocking his way from stepping onto the balcony and smacked right onto the glass with a loud "bang"..ouch! and 2 kind lady servers came around to ask if he was okay ;). they should def tint the glass! I am sure lots of birds smack right into the glass too thinking it's a clear doorway.

Our weekend went quite well..we did the usual market stop on saturday morning for our weekly soup ingredients shopping. sunday morning, jin woke up extra early to cook sausages for our picnic at the botanical gardens..he even grilled a banana which added to the already nice gesture. we took some belly shots of me at 17 weeks..cant see much but i did elaborately extend my tum tum ;).
I invited the girls over for a pre CNY get together and we had a good laugh watching serene L and mad trying to break open the coconuts Mad brought as drinks. As it was raining, a lot of our planned outdoor activities could not be carried out so we amused ourselves by going for test drives..we visited both the nissan and lexus showroom and i test drove the murano and rx 350. guess which one i liked ;)))

dinner was with jimmy and RY and lin. we tried out curry garden at turf city..the masala tosai was yums! then it back to our place where i lost MJ 4 rounds in a row :P..give up!

2 more work days till CNY..cant wait!!

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