Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bak Chang festival

Today's the last day of the bak chang festival and I have been craving bak chang the whole week! So right after facial, I drove to Liang Seah Street and bought 2 bak chang - meat and nyonya flavour and added in a mango sago dessert for Jin and a double boiled hashima red date with gingko dessert for me..No idea why my dessert cost me $6.50..definitely over-priced for something from a froggy :p

When I was small, we used to eat bak chang dipped with sugar..I have no idea why seeing bak chang on its own is sweet enough. The meat bak chang we had today was nothing great but it helped satisfy a week old craving :)

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

opps.. we missed bak zhang festival here...:P