Friday, October 3, 2008

Jin's bday - 3x

Jin always say once he turns 30, he will be in total denial about his age from then on. So even when we celebrate with cake, it has to be maximum 3 candles for the next xx years :D

With such a busy week, I actually had no time to get a pressie..made it up by cooking him breakfast with sausages bought from swiss butchery (that place does great business...while i was in line to pay, japanese family in fornt of me bought over $200 bucks of food!) and maple walnut milkshake.

Here's birthday daddy with sophie bean.

Lin and RY celebrated birthday dinner with us at Hanabi..Jin requested for Jap buffet and you know you are getting old when you cant wallop 10 plates of sashimi as we once could in previous buffets :p

We came back to cut a really cute cake bought by Lin. I think Jin enjoyed the small and simple do :)


minimunchkin said...

Happy Bday Jin! Those sausages look delicious...I lurvee snags!

Lynda Ng said...

Happy Birthday Jin! Stay 30 all the time..:)