Friday, December 12, 2008

"crying over spilt milk"

I always wondered how the line "dont cry over spilt milk" came about. now i know..

yesterday morning, as with every other morning - i woke up with full boobs crying to be expressed. i dragged myself out of bed as i always do and sleepily put the pump materials together and expressed.

when i was done and in the midst of transfering the milk into sophie's drinking bottle, my hand accidently knocked over one of the bottles and it's content spilled out. i was not fast enough and by the time i picked up the bottle, half the milk was on the counter top.

SOBs - very heartpain to see all that good milk there..

and thus, that's how i figured the expression : 'crying over spilt milk' came about...cos i really did wanna cry!! but what's the use right? :P

Monday, December 8, 2008

July babies pre-christmas gathering

We hosted 6 july babies for a gathering - baby declan, baby thaddeus, baby wu feng, baby gordon, baby poppy and of course, baby sophie. It was so fun to see all the babies on the mat - the girls seem bigger than the boys! Sophie was in her "I only want to be carried" mood and she eek eek everytime we tried putting her down -not sure if she's not feeling too good as she vomited quite a bit of her milk :(
After feeding her, her mood was much better but by that time, all the babies had to go home ..blah! Merry Christmas Babies :)
> 4 boys and 2 girls - sophie cranky

> Sophie says : where is everyone? come back , come back to play - i am in a good mood now!

> Thank goodness there's always Mummy to play with me :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jin and the beansprout

Weekends are days when Jin gets to spend Quality time with baby bean and he takes the father daugther bonding sessions quite seriously. He will feed her more, take her swimming and even offers to bath her and watch over her. Here are some pictures of baby bean and her dotting daddy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

5 months old baby bean

Sophie's a big 5 months now..Adora and I always make it a point to wish each other week by week on our darling's little milestones and we also always end with : our babies are growing up so fast!!

And of course Jin will say : please dont grow up so fast baby bean, we like you this way ;)
Sophie can now :

> hold her own Avent bottle and finish up her milk everyday

> flip from tummy to front

> play peek-a-boo with her cloth/ towel by herself

> suck on her toes and heels

> splash her bath water with her hands
There you go, 5 great achievements to mark 5 months :)

She goes to bed around 8-9pm every night and is woken up at midnight for her dream feed, afterwhich she usually sleeps right through till 7-8am. She loves to play and will give us her heart melting smiles enticing us to play with her -even at 5am sometimes!

She now drinks 150ml (5oz) 5 times a day. I plan to start her on solids once she sits upright steadily. For now, she just gets to suck on a banana :)

> Sophie - looking like a big girl holding her own milk bottle

> Sophie - so big, yet still so small - she loves sleeping on our bed :)

> Sophie - so boy yet so girl ;)

Happy 5 month my little beansprout. Mummy LOVES you...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The San twins

We were back in KL for the full month celebration of Nathaniel and Jaden - twin baby boys. It's really nice and exciting that sophie has so many friends born the same year.

I have not seen baby Chloe since her full month 3 months back and she has really grown into one super chubbs baby..absolutely adorable and very huggable :)

Our good friends organised the yearly bday do for me with the yearly durian cake.

Sophie got to meet her great grandparents again..Great grandma made me laugh by asking Mom > when did Cindy deliver?..heee..

The car journey home was long and tiring..both Jin and sophie konked out. Here's what I saw when I stopped to pump fuel on the journey home :D

Cindy = 33 (cont)

With colleagues @ Takumi Tokyo, Keppel Marina

> Angela and me - she helped organised :)

> November birthday babies : Thomas and Jessie

> The set lunch @ $30 was good!

With the ladies @ Forlino, One Fullerton

With the ladies @ PS cafe, Palais Renaissance