Monday, December 8, 2008

July babies pre-christmas gathering

We hosted 6 july babies for a gathering - baby declan, baby thaddeus, baby wu feng, baby gordon, baby poppy and of course, baby sophie. It was so fun to see all the babies on the mat - the girls seem bigger than the boys! Sophie was in her "I only want to be carried" mood and she eek eek everytime we tried putting her down -not sure if she's not feeling too good as she vomited quite a bit of her milk :(
After feeding her, her mood was much better but by that time, all the babies had to go home ..blah! Merry Christmas Babies :)
> 4 boys and 2 girls - sophie cranky

> Sophie says : where is everyone? come back , come back to play - i am in a good mood now!

> Thank goodness there's always Mummy to play with me :)

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