Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am weak :p

We are in KL this week for CNY and my mom's doggie sitting crazy Bubbles the shih tzu. It's a rainy night and I am home alone with the sleeping bean - jin's gone bk to spore for work and mom's out hving CNY dinner at aunty grace's place (wished I was invited :p )

Anyway, I decided to watch some episodes of House Season 5 and while waiting for it to load, I happily munched on some CNY cookies - excellent walnut ones from Jin's Ah Yee @ ipoh. Then suddenly Bubbles appears in front of me and stares intently - doggy language : erm, pls share!

I ignore..she continues to stare..I say : No. She : Woof. I say: Go away, She : grr..woof

At the point, I am thinking - whoa, I am having a conversation with a dog?

This NO , Woof thing went on for several more the end, I went.."oh OK..just one then.."

Then I realised, I give in so easily :p..and sophie knows this - she knows if she eeks eeks, I will say no, I am not carrying you..and she eeks eeks louder, and I pick her up..

suckerrr :P

Jin and Sophie having a playful moment - crazy Bubbles likes Sophie

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