Monday, April 20, 2009

Kindermusik for Bean

We took Soph to her 1st class over the weekend. The July mummies organised a trial class with Kindermusik at Tanglin Mall (paid $23.35) so 12 babies met up early on a Sunday morning for some music and bonding with parents session. I thought the class met the objective - very tempted to sign up!

Soph loves playing with balls. With her - baby thaddeus, baby poppy and baby cedric
With poppy and adora after class
After class, it was a mad dash to Cable ski 360 restaurant for Eddie's bday brunch. Although the setting was nice, it was just too hot to sit outside. Bean was dripping sweat - took pity on her and decided she would be a happier bunny without her clothes :)

With bday boy
Sophie telling Maya that diapers are the new fashion :)
The weather was just crazee hot over the weekend. Mummy decided that the only way to cool off was lots of pool time. Sophie was the happiest baby on the block - check her out in her new swimsuit..isn't she just the super chubs? heehee :)

And finally, Sophie learnt to crawl...and in return, big bruises on her knees..ouch!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the swim suit shots are great!!