Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy month of May

Enjoying a free concert at Botanical Gardens

We made a quick trip back to KL as I got Vesak day off as a public holiday. Celebrated CW's bday with some yummy banofee pie.

Took bean to her first Sentosa trip. She seemed to enjoy watching the waves.

Learning to whistle a happy tune :)
Sophie also attended her 1st bday party. It was neighbour Valentine's bday and she got to eat lots of baby biscuits :)

Over the last weekend, we arranged for a picnic gathering at BG since there was a concert going on. Anne and VB whom we have not seen since they visited sophie at the hospital when she first arrived, met us with their 2 super skinny dogs. vegetarian diet it seems :p

Good doggy..let me hug you..

Being entertained by uncle Jimmy while ko ko Drexel looks on

No picnic's complete without KFC!

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