Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I am so mega busy!

MEGA is the word. We are moving! that means mega packing..70 boxes! and sophie does not help..what i fold, she unfolds..what i put away, she crawls over and pulls out...so packing takes us extra effort (although the extra pair of hands from michiko has helped).

what else have I been mega busy with? oh yes, buying my first hdb! yes yes yes! after a month of viewing a grand total of 5 hdb units, i made an offer on monday and signed the option to purchase on monday night..talk about speedy decisions..I think even Jin was impressed :). My 1st very own house purchase!! under mine and bean's name :) Mega HaPpY..but also Mega broke :P

Mega excited! cos we are going at Sipadan in 2 weeks time. first we will head to cameron highlands with the KL bunch. Khim and Mel has promised us a good feast during the Ipoh stop over. I booked us a 2 night stay at Eu Yan Sang's Hilltop bungalow. am soo looking forward to staying in an English "colonial" bungalow - eating english scones, drinking english tea...

Then it's on to sipadan - we are leaving bean behind with the inlaws..i already know that i am goin to mega miss her..sob sob sob..but but, the opportunity to dive sipadan is not to be missed..i want to see turtles! mega big ones! i have downloaded a picture of a gorgeous sea turtle and it's my desktop backdrop for now. this has to be the first time since bean was born that she's not occupying my desktop backdrop !

I have soo much to update..have to find time - hopefully after the move. oh, boss wants me to go Japan next week..mega hoping that she goes instead of me ;)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Left Right Left Right..

Everytime Sophie's on her walker, we say "Left right Left right" to her..so this morning, while she was standing unmoving, we went "left right left right" and she actually walked 4-5 steps :)..she did it couple of times and this video was taken at her third attempt.

Dare I say at 1 year- 18 days, our little bean can walk? :)

we had such a busy Saturday yesterday - met up with Myra and Julian, YL, Ed and Charmaine for brekkie at Breko. Sophie got introduced to Charmaine's new pup - Coco. Cute little dashound but I forgot to take pix! argh!

Then we zoomed to Ethan's party - Sophie managed to have a dip in the pool and later got fed cake and jelly dessert. We tried unsuccessfully to take some group pix of the babies :p

In laws came over in the evening - FIL is going to help do some basic handiwork at our new place..yay! This also means Sophie gets more attention the next few days and lazy mummy can take a break..hehehe ;)

Had dinner with Chuen Meng who was visiting for a week..we ate at First Thai..the food's pretty authentic but really can't stand the Thai waitress who does not know the meaning of good service!

Jin made a funny but true comment yesterday - looking at new condo launches is a spore past time..i thought it was shopping :p..I am looking for a HDB at TB..saw 2 units yesterday, put in an offer for one..it's extremely frustrating as the prices seem to go up weekly and somehow, I always seem to "miss" the boat! anyway, crossing fingers - hope I get my own home soon!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend of Baby Parties

What a busy weekend we had! Saturday morning saw us checking out our new home which we will be moving into soon. I did some measurements, choose bean's bedroom out of the 2 choices - her new room faces the playground , hope she gets to meet some nice baby friends here.

In the evening, we headed to St Regis residences for FZT's party..showed Sophie - Cuscaden Residences, where her parents stayed for 4 years before she came along. FZT's party theme was all things Sesame Street. We had a lovely time hanging out with the babies, mummies and lots of food and cake.

Sunday morning, we went "marketing" then met up with Jimmy and Gail for some good ol Msian breakfast of nasi lemak and ipoh keow teow teng at Old Town. Then it was off to Mothercare as I had some expiring vouchers from bean's full month party! Got her a very expensive tricycle but convinced myself it was a worthwhile investment as it has 3 stages and she can ride it till 2 years old..hehe.

After lunch, we picked up bean and changed her into her swimsuit to attend Declan's pool party. Jin got her a cute flower power swimsuit from babyGap :). Bean had fun in the pool! We missed her naptime and grouchy Bean cried all the way home then promptly fell asleep once her head hit the mattress :p

Took Jin to try out the Daily Scoop ice cream at Sunset Way. I tried the chendol flavour couple days back and it was soo good that I know he will love it. Huge disappointment cos they ran out! we settled for durian instead which was good but not as good as chendol..so I suspect we will be heading up there again within the next few days.

Urgh, wished there was another 2 days to this weekend..am exhausted and not in the mood to face another work week tomorrow. Hmm, just have to amuse my thoughts with pictures of a funny bean :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A birthday tale

2 July 2009 - birthday of a precious sweet little baby girl

All through last night, I kept telling Jin that last year this time, we were in the labour ward - Jin just went on and on about how he did not like bean turning one..he just wants her cocooned at 11 months and 30 days. Well, like it or not - our little Bean turned ONE today.

This was taken this morning..bean was still fast asleep at 830am. Even the flash of the camera could not wake up the bday baby.

Bean : ooo, i get to wear a pretty dress and play - fun fun, I like this thing they call birthday

Mummy made me wear this silly hat

A kiss from mummy cos she thinks i am kawaii :)

My honey bee house birthday cake!

Daddy, mummy , me and cake

It's Happy Birthday to Me!

Sophie was super HaPpY - check her out at the video below.

I like Cake!

Yay, Aunty Hsu Wei likes me..so does bumble bee :)

Gimme that flower already!

Quick take the pix..we want to open the presents

Ooo..shoes..just what I needed!


Ok, wat's next?

My very own Patrick..and $$$..this deserves a real clap ;)

I like my patrick..ok ok, i like aunty lin and aunty li mei too
haha..that was real funny..

stop it, i am down on the floor with laughter :)

mummy says i look like a big girl here..but i cant even walk yet!

I love my daddy..he plays with me when mummy's busy :P

wahhh..another cake..i like!

Bean the magician - see how she "puts out" the candle flame