Saturday, July 18, 2009

Left Right Left Right..

Everytime Sophie's on her walker, we say "Left right Left right" to this morning, while she was standing unmoving, we went "left right left right" and she actually walked 4-5 steps :)..she did it couple of times and this video was taken at her third attempt.

Dare I say at 1 year- 18 days, our little bean can walk? :)

we had such a busy Saturday yesterday - met up with Myra and Julian, YL, Ed and Charmaine for brekkie at Breko. Sophie got introduced to Charmaine's new pup - Coco. Cute little dashound but I forgot to take pix! argh!

Then we zoomed to Ethan's party - Sophie managed to have a dip in the pool and later got fed cake and jelly dessert. We tried unsuccessfully to take some group pix of the babies :p

In laws came over in the evening - FIL is going to help do some basic handiwork at our new place..yay! This also means Sophie gets more attention the next few days and lazy mummy can take a break..hehehe ;)

Had dinner with Chuen Meng who was visiting for a week..we ate at First Thai..the food's pretty authentic but really can't stand the Thai waitress who does not know the meaning of good service!

Jin made a funny but true comment yesterday - looking at new condo launches is a spore past time..i thought it was shopping :p..I am looking for a HDB at TB..saw 2 units yesterday, put in an offer for's extremely frustrating as the prices seem to go up weekly and somehow, I always seem to "miss" the boat! anyway, crossing fingers - hope I get my own home soon!!

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