Saturday, September 12, 2009

Smiling bean at 14 months

We took bean for her jab last week and she's now 10.7kgs (90 percentile) , 76cm in height (60 percentile). Our little toddler bean is growing well :)

She still loves eating..I say "still" cos i have heard that once they start conversing, they get really picky on food. Our saturday mornings are usually spent in a cafe enjoying a breakfast of pancakes and bread.

Soph is def more communicative..she can say : ball, bird, book, shoes, wait (i am always telling her to wait for her milk to warm up), pink, nai nai..I love how she does her "good":)

this is what she shows when we ask her how old is she or is the food good? :)

snack time at Julia Gabriels

our little cheong sam bean

future pom pom queen

Enjoying din with her fav aunties and uncle

Besides the eyes closed smiles, we have one cheeky bean on hand :)

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