Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cough cough bean :(

Since we came back from HK - sophie has been coughing..I strongly believe she caught it from Jin (who btw was so stubborn not to eat his meds) she has been missing all her JG classes and visiting Dr Frances twice a week to get her baby MC for replacement classes (JG does not give replacement classes unless we show the MC).

So how has she kept herself busy being stuck at home? By learning new tricks of course..this is her being a boi boi :p

and of course she keeps falling, and..keeps crying bcos the floor's hard and her face and head hurts. I have half the mind to keep the horse away till she's bigger..orrrrr, I just get her another playmat? :P

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

it's funny that she is not afraid..:) Even your "stern" voice did not work..;)