Sunday, November 22, 2009

Birthday ruled by cake's availability

And so I decided to celebrate the bday a couple of days early..all bcos i ordered my passionfruit meringue cake for the weekend instead of for the actual day. Figured I could then invite some folks over to try out the cake :)

Here's me with the cake!

Bean and mummy!

Bean, Mummy and Daddy!

and good ol friends - we sang happy bday but i did not blow no candles cos the winds were extra strong and we figured the candle flame won't last a second :P

The cake was real yummy..I am so happy I ordered it :). Too bad the two little ones (pic below) could not eat cake yet year my young padawans ;)

another year older but always 24 :). I feel young just by watching bean cos she makes me laugh a lot! even when she does something naughty, i pretend to scold but behind her back, i secretly snicker..heeheehee.

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