Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

After 8 long years in Spore, we are finally spending our 1st Christmas here! To celebrate, we splurged and got a really nice 7 foot tall tree.

Bean trying to get the ornaments out

Santa's little helper

Yay! I did it - she says.
This little one slept through all the excitement
The end result - a little crooked but that is jin's finishing touch ;)
Now, all that is missing are the presents..hint hint hint..anyone? :)

Hayley's 1st excursion

Our confinement aunty left us for the day to attend a wedding - with a bored toddler and grandma in the house, I thought it was best we all release some of the pent up energy - so off to Sentosa we went - 4 adults, 1 excited toddler and a sleepy baby

There was a Buskers Festival in Sentosa that week - we caught 2 shows. Bean had a great time watching the shows, checking out the fountains, Merlion and sitting the monorail train. Hayley slept throughout, waking only to have her diaper changed once and drinking her milk.

woohoo, i am finally out of the house!!!

A very captivated bean watching the performance

The buskers were really entertaining

Need milk? Got Milk!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hayley's full month celebration

Our little baby is now a month time flies,,wasn't it just yesterday we brought her back from the hospital? I am not sure how much she weighs now but I love how this pix shows off her chubbiness :)

To celebrate Hayley's full month, we invited a bunch of friends over and caught up over a catered buffet lunch from Angeli's. I also managed to track down a satay man who made the most delicious pork satay which was a hit with the guests.

Snacks for the children
Satay Man from Tiong Bahru
Hayley's 1st mth confinement aunty - Li Ling
Hayley and Po Po
Friends from KL and Bailey the doggy
The Little girl who slept through her whole party

Jin and I did not manage to take a pix with Hayley but here's another gorgeous pix of her - we love you little Hayley bean :)

As we could not invite everyone to the party, we got cupcakes made for Jin's colleagues - so pretty!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A "confined?" birthday

Having a birthday right smacked during confinement is no fun! I could not take cold drinks, ice cream or eat seafood - which meant having to take a rain check on my Akashi Jap dinner treat from Jin. I do however, have Hayley - which I say, makes confinement all worthwhile :)

This weekend however, I "broke" the rules - as the girls and RY wanted to buy me bday lunch at House Barracks and I indulged in a prawn pasta and sipped on a icy ginger drink :)

Tomorrow, we have Harry Potter movie date - Gold Class style! Can't wait!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hayley's birth story

Gail invited us for a "last fling" dinner on Deepavali Day as they were moving out to their new townhouse. We had a feast with all the spicy food and ice cream from island cremery, udders and daily scoop. one of the guest, Mark, was joking that I am bound to deliver the next day with all the spicy food.

Here was the dinner spread which started my contractions! :)

Our last pix as parents of one - love how unpreggy I look here..hehehe

1030pm - we left the party as I knew Marie was up waiting for us to come back. However, walking to the car, I started having a crampy kind of feeling..on the drive back, the feeling came on and off - 5 minutes apart.

1050pm - Reaching home, I took out our trusty "what to expect when expecting" book to read if I was indeed having a contraction and the book said so! I came out to tell jin to change out of his PJs and we woke Marie back up to watch Bean and left for Mt A hospital

1130pm - The staff greeted us warmly and as the nurse was leading me to the labour ward, I informed her that I wanted Dr Dicky for administering my epi. She was kind enough to drop everything to call him as it was late and he was not a resident doc at Mt A.

1140pm - we got settled into the labour ward and i was given an edema to let go my stools.

1230am - Dr Dicky appeared and got to work and bless him, I felt no more pain :)...pretty happy all the way even when the nurses did the VE. Poke me all you want, i feel nothing..hahaha.

5am - the nurse came in and said that I was ready to deliver- she got me to push about 10 times and once she could see the baby's crown, she told me to stop and the waiting game for Dr Fong began.

5.55am - The good doc arrived just slightly before 6am and 3 pushes later...

6.08am - our 2nd daughter joined our family. She arrived wailing loudly into the world - all blue and pale one second and a few seconds later, all pink and red.

Mini bean has arrived!

Happy mummy with precious angel

Daddy's happy too cos this baby has more of his features :)

Che Che Bean giving kisses to Mei Mei Bean

Our first group of visitors

With mini bean - checking out of Mt A

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

October in a flash!

Don't know where the time goes but October came and went by super fast. Here are some quick highlights ...
Bean doing the balancing act while modelling some flesh..i lurve her belly button and she knows it and runs off each time i threaten to give it a kiss ;)

D-I-Y vietnamese popiah party, followed by MJ session

we did 2 visits to the zoo, bean lurves the B&J cows

Jin made yummy crepes for breakfast- umm

attended alyssa's 2 yr old party

looking all big and grown up here *too fast in mummy's opinion!*

steamboat din at j-pot to celebrate the oct babies bdays

the Oct babies (Jin, ML and Karen) with our small but perfectly yummy durian cake

Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween folks!

What's Halloween without some "yummy but odd" food?

This year, we have our own Hallo -witch!

But she must be one of the "good" witches - with a grin like that :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week 35+ Maternity Shots

Saw the gynae today and the little one is now 2.2kgs at week 35 plus. I have put on about 9.6kgs - really feel like a giant watermelon! Doc says placenta is still low so blocking the cervix which means baby can't engage..I have 2 more weeks to "talk" to her, afterwhich if nothing moves, C-sect could be a possibility..argh!

Got Jin to take some maternity shots and really liked what turned out ..not bad for amateur home shots la!