Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hayley's birth story

Gail invited us for a "last fling" dinner on Deepavali Day as they were moving out to their new townhouse. We had a feast with all the spicy food and ice cream from island cremery, udders and daily scoop. one of the guest, Mark, was joking that I am bound to deliver the next day with all the spicy food.

Here was the dinner spread which started my contractions! :)

Our last pix as parents of one - love how unpreggy I look here..hehehe

1030pm - we left the party as I knew Marie was up waiting for us to come back. However, walking to the car, I started having a crampy kind of feeling..on the drive back, the feeling came on and off - 5 minutes apart.

1050pm - Reaching home, I took out our trusty "what to expect when expecting" book to read if I was indeed having a contraction and the book said so! I came out to tell jin to change out of his PJs and we woke Marie back up to watch Bean and left for Mt A hospital

1130pm - The staff greeted us warmly and as the nurse was leading me to the labour ward, I informed her that I wanted Dr Dicky for administering my epi. She was kind enough to drop everything to call him as it was late and he was not a resident doc at Mt A.

1140pm - we got settled into the labour ward and i was given an edema to let go my stools.

1230am - Dr Dicky appeared and got to work and bless him, I felt no more pain :)...pretty happy all the way even when the nurses did the VE. Poke me all you want, i feel nothing..hahaha.

5am - the nurse came in and said that I was ready to deliver- she got me to push about 10 times and once she could see the baby's crown, she told me to stop and the waiting game for Dr Fong began.

5.55am - The good doc arrived just slightly before 6am and 3 pushes later...

6.08am - our 2nd daughter joined our family. She arrived wailing loudly into the world - all blue and pale one second and a few seconds later, all pink and red.

Mini bean has arrived!

Happy mummy with precious angel

Daddy's happy too cos this baby has more of his features :)

Che Che Bean giving kisses to Mei Mei Bean

Our first group of visitors

With mini bean - checking out of Mt A


bluebearypie said...

You make your labour sound too easy!

Truly Us said...

opps..but i figured jin will reward me double for being so brave instead of helpless and whinny :D