Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The crying game

So the little bean has taken up a new's called crying. she fake cries when she does not get the toy she wants or when she's not happy we don't give in to her every demand. The cries are soo fake so we tend to ignore her..but then she comes to you, and says : mummy, sophie crying..


and i also realised recently what a daddy's girl she morning she demanded from jin : daddee I WANT Nai jin promptly brings her her milk..and she immediately coos : xie xie ni daddyyy (this is without any prompting from us!)

later that morning, she turned to me and said : Mummy, I want corn flakes. so i go get her some and she just answers : Ummp



bluebearypie said...

Soph's such a clever girl! Talks in full sentences somemore... I'm so impressed!

Lynda Ng said...

wayyy too smart..:) She must be super duper cute when she fake cry's..

Unknown said...

wow! nice sentences!