Wednesday, June 2, 2010

23 months old bean

I cant believe bean will turn 2 in exactly a month's time..where did the days go? I still call her my sweet baby - I guess that is what she will always be to me :)

she never fails to amaze us on a daily basis. yesterday she was picking up her books and one of my books got mixed up in her pile. she looked at it and turned to me and said :somebody's one, somebody's book - now I seriously don't ever remember teaching her that! could it be from school?

school - i know she likes going cos there are days she tells me :sophie wants to go school . and sometimes she even pulls at my hand and says :lets go! but even on these days, the minute we drop her off, she will do the 1 minute of drama tears. but the minute we are out of sight, she behaves and starts listening to her ms jessie.

potty training - we like to think she's fully trained in the poo poo department and getting there on the pee pee department. she is out of diapers throughout the day when she's awake (yes even at school!) but we put her on diapers during nap and sleep time. maybe try to wean her off diapers for good when she turns 2 but for now, very happy with the progress of saving gaya.

tantrums aka the terrible two's? - at least once or twice a day, bean will try to throw a tantrum. usually bcos she does not get what she wants..i deal with it by telling her to go stand in the corner which she obediently goes for like 10 seconds before running back to me and saying : All Done! :P

Because of school, a slight change in her daily routine. instead of the previous 1 hour naps and bedtime by 8pm sharp, she now takes 2-2.5 hours of nap after school which pushes her bed time to closer to 9pm. bedtime routine starts at 8pm with story books, followed by songs and then trying to get her to cooperate to get into bed usually takes the remaining 15 minutes :p

Here's what the Bean has been up to the past few months...
pretending to know how to order her own kaya toast
Puzzles , puzzles, Bean LOVES doing puzzles.

Celebrating Kai Ma's forever 28 bday ;)

Immitating a hamster at Polliwogs

Having water fun with daddy at the zoo

With chloe at baby josh's party

Having a go at her 1st musical chair game

A very happy bean to get her own chair from the game :)

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